Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Part III: The Kirschner Christmas

We started Christmas morning off downstairs checking out the gifts from Santa, then it was off to the Kirschner household for a daylong celebration.

While most of us prefer not to show our bellies....Talia feels as jolly and as confident as Santa Claus...Ho ho ho....

Maria proudly showing off one of her gifts....NICE!

Electronic Monopoly.....a chip off the old block!

Diana gets a laptop. Stay tuned.....

Talia was not in the mood for picture taking..more on that later.

Ho, ho, ho....Mommy needs a better camera.

Talia just loves the bear that Maria picked out for her!

Grandpa Bob......

Vinny playing with his new Army helicopter...

As it turns out, Talia ended up with an ear infection on Christmas Day. That explains alot. Poor girl.

Even though she was not feeling her best, she managed to smile every once in a while!

Talia just hanging out with her Daddy.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Part II: The Laurienzo Christmas

We spent Christmas Eve day celebrating at the Laurienzo's house (Scott and Jen Laurienzo). Upon our arrival, Alissa took Vinny into the bathroom with her as she pulled her front tooth. Vinny gave us regular updates until the tooth was successfully removed. Alissa is pretty brave to pull her own tooth, and to let Vinny watch as she did it! So, in honor of that great accomplishment, Alissa gets the first post. Now, say it with me:

All she wants for Christmas is..........yep, her two front teeth!

Ellie still has all her teeth but she gets a picture on the blog too!

The gang decided to go outside and try to do some sledding. Vinny did not want to wear mittens or gloves. As you can see, it was really cold...and he is really stubborn. Even though it appears from the next picture that he did go down the hill, he actually gave up before taking the plunge and retreated to the warm house. Next time, let's hope he will wear the mittens so he can join in the fun!

Talia stayed inside and actually got to take a snooze!

Daddy, Talia, Vinny.

Christmas High Jinx....

Let's see, this looks comfy...

Talia hugging Alissa's doll.

Pretty baby...

This is fun.....NEXT?

Talia's new baby doll. She sings!

Alissa opens up her new art kit from her cousins!

Ellie looking pretty happy with her gifts! Including the one she is wearing!

Vinny got a laptop from his Grandma and Grandpa Laurienzo. How cool is this? Hey, maybe I can pass along blogging duties to this guy? That would be sweet!

Christmas Part 1: BC - Before Christmas

Shortly before Christmas Vinny and Talia had the opportunity to attend the Thomson Reuters annual Children's Christmas party and then there was a quick trip to Duluth where we had a visit with Vinny and Talia's Great Grandma at the nursing home.
Start off with a little face paint.....


A visit to Mommy's desk.
The only smile we got of her that day. She didn't care for the party too much!

The Christmas Mouse. Talia was afraid of him.

Stella (Zia), Vinny, Talia, Brian, and Great Grandma Barbaro.

Grandma gives Vinny some chocolates from her pocket.

Although most of us don't care for nursing homes...Vinny and Talia think they are the greatest places to visit. All the nurses and residents gave the kids christmas cookies, ice cream and candy...what's not to like? Grandma and all of the other residents sure enjoyed getting a visit from the little ones!

Woo woo. Talia is ready for a quick dip in the pool at Edgewater in Duluth. Then it's back to the Cities to start all the family celebrations!

Friday, December 5, 2008


Just a few pictures of Vinny playing some ball and a Sunday gathering (from a month ago) at JoAnne's. Our good friend Meg was there with her family and we all enjoyed food and football and more food. This will have to hold you over until Christmas ..... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Vinny playing a little football.

Dylan, Vinny, and GG


Vinny and GG....again.

Mr. President

Yes, I know it's been quite a while since our last post. We have been very busy, blah blah blah! There are not too many pictures of the kids to share. We had a bad Santa experience and so there won't be any from that! Santa was fine, but the picture taking people were a nightmare!
Our good friend, John was promoted into a new position a few weeks ago and to celebrate, we went out for an adult night on the town. No kids, a few drinks, and some Karaoke.....good times!

That is one long Hummer.......

The guest of Honor, John, and his beautiful wife Deana!

Brian attemps Karaoke....

John and Ryan singing some Kid Rock.....I wanna be a Cowboy Baby....

I don't think this is my wife... but it's ok, she is the one taking the picture!

I don't think is my husband.... It isn't? Dang.

Hey, John, I think we still have all our moves.... um..... No, no you don't.

John and Carolyn.......peace out!

The girls....Kickin it.