Saturday, September 20, 2008

Vinny's 1st Vikings Game

Last Sunday we took Vinny to his first Vikings game. We left Talia with Grandma and Grandpa, then we headed to the light rail station to take the train! We had a great time getting there... but once the game started, Vinny lost interest. We can't blame him really. We think the last picture sums it up.

Talia made it into this picture taken at Grandmas. She didn't miss much by not going!

Vinny waiting for the train to come.

Booo! Vikings blow it again!


Anonymous said...

Vinnie...what a lucky little boy you are. Too bad you didn't go to the game that they won. Might be the only game they do win. I bet that train ride was fun too.....Now work on your Mom and Dad so they bring you and Talia to Ely one day!!! No one comes to visit anymore!!

Zia Gloria

Anonymous said...

Hi!! It's Erin!!!Talia is so cute and so is Vinnie!!