Saturday, April 23, 2011

Birthday's and more Birthday Parties

Tons of parties in April! Between all the parties and Easter we have been super duper busy! Below are some snapshots of Vinny's party and the kids joint family party that was held a few weeks ago!

Vinny and his friend Charlie

The boys all lined up to play laser tag!

It's hard to get this many boys to sit down and eat when there are games to be played!

Vinny multi-tasks by eating a cupcake while opening his present at the same time. Gotta get back to the action!

TT and GG love to play "dress-up" together.

Why is eating such a chore at birthday parties?

Who wouldn't be excited to have this many presents?

Ellie helps Talia with her presents

Where is Talia? Ohhhh behind her new PILLOW PET


Alissa and GG help Vinny and Talia make a wish!


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alexia said...

cute kid!what a happy family you have