Thursday, September 9, 2010

State Fair 2010

This year we celebrated our 10th year at the Leinie Lodge and can't believe it's already in the books! It's always great to see all of our friends and family that stop by to say hello.

Business was good this year. This picture shows how people are willing to line up for a cool refreshing beer!

Bob's sister, Sis, is seen here with Fairchild. You all remember Sis..she ran the back counter at the Beer Stube for years!

During the State Fair one of my best friends came home from Florida for her class reunion and I was able to sneak away from the Leinie Lodge for a night out with Beth! We had way too much fun and it was so great to be together again!

Vinny and Talia were very excited to be back at the fair this year.

Talia loved the rides in what she called "Hello Kiddyland". Thankfully, her cousin Maria, was nice enough to go on some of the rides with her.

Vinny helps Talia pick out a duck in the duck pond game.

Vinny had no interest in any rides at all. Vinny prefers the games of chance in the Mighty Midway.

Another fishing game. Another prize. Check out the stash in Brian's hands.

One way to cool off during a 95 degree day at the fair is to have your Uncle Paul set you down on an ice cold keg of beer!

Maria has the "cheese touch"

Talia has a kiss for the Daddy that she has been missing so much!

In case you are wondering, Vinny came into work early with his Mom and Dad and Talia came later, which is why she is missing from this little family portrait.

More games.....

More rides..... Love this picture because I only captured the top part of the "warning" sign. Looks like TT shouldn't be on that thing!

Talia loves the "ferrist wheel" as she calls it. Not sure who the boy is next to her, but she doesn't care. She just loves to ride.

Another state fair has come and gone. Hope to see you all at the next Great Minnesota Get-Together!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So impressed that you updated!! I have the blog blues like you use to have...I feel blogged out or could it be that because my camara is broken (hint hint Bob birthday present)Funny how it worked before I went in the hospital and I knew were my IPOD was. Those damn faries that make it in my house and take my things! And only MY things. Looks like you had a great summer! Where has it gone? Looking forward to our annual fall outing. You and Erin can take pics!~Jo P.S~your Almond bread was a hit. Even though I have no recollection of you being here everything was a hit!