You don't really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around - and why his parents will always wave back. - William D. Tammeus
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The Angry Cheerleader
One bag of chips and twelve pack $12.00 One Cheerleader outfit $20.00 Cost of replacing Flat Screen TV $1,500
Talia's reaction to the Vikings loss to the Redskins: Priceless.
Talia's reaction after watching the Vikings disappointing loss to the Redskins. A victory would've gotten them into the playoffs, so she's a bit disgruntled. She hasn't been the same since.
Daddy trying to cheer up the angry cheerleader, no change, no smile, no luck!
Vinny said he'd seen enough of this poor effort and headed out to shovel.
Talia....gee, at least your Cheerleading outfit fits....I out grew mine 56yrs. ago!!! Good girl. Vinny....I bet you help Grandma Diana shovel too....wish I had someone to shovel here. Poor Sonny has to do it...but that's OK...keeps him young!! Happy New Year Laurienzo family!! Gloria
Darling pictures of all the family members, on Christmas 2007. Hopefully, next year at this time Talia, the Vikes will be in a better situation, & you, as well, in a better mood. Love you. Vinny. Don't feel bad bud. I had to blow off some steam also, after the terrible showing. Next year?? Love ~Papa Mickey
Talia....gee, at least your Cheerleading outfit fits....I out grew mine 56yrs. ago!!! Good girl. Vinny....I bet you help Grandma Diana shovel too....wish I had someone to shovel here. Poor Sonny has to do it...but that's OK...keeps him young!!
Happy New Year Laurienzo family!!
holy cow, i'm surprised brian was still poised after the loss. stupid vikes. stupid. way to go vin on the shoveling, come to my house and finish!
other brian
I don't know what to say. The picture of Talia is too funny. She played her role as the angry cheerleader well. :)
Darling pictures of all the family members, on Christmas 2007. Hopefully, next year at this time Talia, the Vikes will be in a better situation, & you, as well, in a better mood. Love you. Vinny.
Don't feel bad bud. I had to blow
off some steam also, after the terrible showing. Next year??
Love ~Papa Mickey
Your kids are Viking fans???? What a tough thing to have to be at their age. Hopefully they will see a Viking touchdown before they leave home.
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